Import excel into sas jmp
Import excel into sas jmp

Libname TEST1 'F:test' filename indata1 'F:test\KDATA100.csv' ĭata TEST1.K11_Out length St_Time $ 22 infile indata1 dsd dlm=',' obs= 150000 lrecl=120 truncover input SC $ TKTID CUSTID $ ProdID: $10. QUESTION : my source file has 138000 observation out of which only 65535 were read.


The code is working fine, the log file is reproduced below. I have made progress in converting my excel data file. Reading directly from Excel often yeilds changes in columns from text to numeric, lengths of text variables and sometimes even the variable names. Another advantage of this approach is I know what type is variable is and the characteristics. Then if I have another of these files to read later I do the conversion to CSV, point the program to read the new file and write to a different SAS data set. One advantage of this approach is that data step code to read the file is generated and can be saved and modified to be a "nicer" program by adding labels, use of custom informats/formats, changing variable names( things from Excel seem to often have names like CLIENT_PERSONAL_0_VOLUNTARILY_IN which I might want to shorten) to make more sense from column headings. Often I use the import wizard, or Proc Import, for CSV setting a LARGE value for guessing rows. Generally I convert Excel files to CSV (File Save AS from Excel) and then use a data step to read the file. Excel files are not text and really don't have any concept of fixed column width. How I convert often involves screaming and kicking.įirst the code you are showing looks like reading a text file with fixed columns.

Import excel into sas jmp